Resources for Families & Teens Getting Through the COVID-19 Pandemic

MRX (family pic) At The Intersection of LOVE & LIVING in the MODERN WORLD (1).png

I recognize that most of us want to give our best to our children, our work, our community, our partner, and our selves. There’s such little time to process all that is happening, let alone figure out how to do all of these changes well. So I decided to do some of the work for you. In the last 48 hours, I’ve been spending most of my non-occupied waking moments, combing through websites and resources, finding the “best of the best” of information and tools to help all of us adjust to these difficult times.

It’s obviously not an exhaustive list, but it is a place to start. My hope is that I’ve saved you some time and hassle, filtering through mediocrity and repetition, so that you have a generally good start to what you may need right now. I’ll be adding to this Resource Page as I discover more high-quality, useful resources to share, so you may want to come back and visit week-to-week.

(PS. Feel free to share any resources with me that you have found helpful. Just send me a message with a link to your suggestions through our contact page).

Just click on the button below for information you can use to help yourself, your family and your clients cope with these challenging times. I hope you find it useful.

Carol Missel