LAUNCH BOOT CAMP (for private practice)

LAUNCH BOOT CAMP (for private practice)
August 12th, 9:00 am - 3:30 pm
In one day, get your business set-up and connected to all the resources you need to run a private practice.
AUGUST 12TH, 2022
Everything you need to create a business + set up shop … so you are ready for your first clients!
Only 1 Prerequisite: Form a PLLC prior to class (but we will send you an email and show you how)
Business Set-up
√ Get your business legally set up in the proper order
√ Get an EIN
√ Apply for your WA state business license
√ Apply for your city business license
√ List of business chores – renewals, taxes, and paperwork
√ Get a list of important dates
√ Strategies to keep track
Results – Calm and confident. Your business is legit, and you know how to keep it going. Saves you a ton of time in research, and you have complete clarity on your requirements.
Get your “Office” Set-up
√ Receive checklist and templates for required forms – to adapt and upload
√ Set up Simple Practice (EHR)
√ Learn how to use the program
√ Set your schedule / office hours
(Do we want to add any payment set-up, like Stripe, etc.)
Results – You are ready for clients, and can get to the work you love! Peace of mind, you know you are HIPAA-compliant, and legally covered.
Quickstart your Marketing
√ List of marketing strategies to use, and which to ignore
√ Create a professional profile
√ Post profile on Psychology Today
√ Review basic website set-ups + be ready to get started
Results – Get your name and business out there quickly, in a way that feels good. Saves a lot of time, research, and angst. A foundation to build on.
$200 towards The Launch - if you chose to join the Fall 2022 cohort
…and yummy snacks and lunch are included.
This is a hands-on, get-it-done business Bootcamp for therapists ready to start a private practice. If you value being efficient, business savvy, and professional, this boot camp is for YOU. This is your One-Stop-Spot to get ALL you need to know to meet the legal and ethical requirements to open a therapy private practice.
At the end of the day, you will walk away with:
AUGUST 12TH, 2022
Everything you need to create a business + set up shop … so you are ready for your first clients!
Only 1 Prerequisite: Form a PLLC prior to class (but we will send you an email and show you how)
Business Set-up
√ Get your business legally set up in the proper order
√ Get an EIN
√ Apply for your WA state business license
√ Apply for your city business license
√ List of business chores – renewals, taxes, and paperwork
√ Get a list of important dates
√ Strategies to keep track
Results – Calm and confident. Your business is legit, and you know how to keep it going. Saves you a ton of time in research, and you have complete clarity on your requirements.
Get your “Office” Set-up
√ Receive checklist and templates for required forms – to adapt and upload
√ Set up Simple Practice (EHR)
√ Learn how to use the program
√ Set your schedule / office hours
(Do we want to add any payment set-up, like Stripe, etc.)
Results – You are ready for clients, and can get to the work you love! Peace of mind, you know you are HIPAA-compliant, and legally covered.
Quickstart your Marketing
√ List of marketing strategies to use, and which to ignore
√ Create a professional profile
√ Post profile on Psychology Today
√ Review basic website set-ups + be ready to get started
Results – Get your name and business out there quickly, in a way that feels good. Saves a lot of time, research, and angst. A foundation to build on.
Register at:
$200 towards The Launch - if you chose to join the Fall 2022 cohort
…and yummy snacks and lunch are included.