8/17/20 Micro-traumas and the African American Client
8/17/20 Micro-traumas and the African American Client
Monday, August 17th, 2020
2 CEUs for Therapists, Mental Health Counselors, and Social Workers
Presenter: Candice Richardson Dickens, LCPC-S, LCADC-S, CCTP
Program Sponsor: PESI
African Americans regularly receive societal messages about their lack of value, powerlessness, and inability to ensure their personal safety. Perpetuated through media stories as well as common, everyday interactions, these microtraumas cause African Americans to experience a heightened sense of cortisol arousal, a pervasive feeling of doom, and a lack of trust in relation to their environment. The result is hypervigilance and intrusive exaggerated flight, fight, and freeze responses.
PLUS $5 will be donated to the WA Therapy Fund when you register.
What you will learn:
Understanding Cultural Trauma
Fight or Flight Responses
Learned Helplessness
Micro- vs. Macro-traumas
DSM-5 Trauma and PTSD
Defining and Assessing Trauma
Witnessed or Experienced Trauma
Talking about Race
Talking to Children about Race
Addressing Ethnic Differences Between Therapist & Client
Empowering through Experience Validation
Techniques for Treating Physiological Responses to Trauma
Grounding & Tapping
Deep Breathing Techniques
Visualizations & Hypnosis
Reducing Shame & Increasing Self-Affirmations
Understanding Long-Term Memory
Implicit Memory
Explicit Memory
Trauma & Neuroscience
Polyvagal Theory
Sympathetic and Parasympathetic responses
Physiological Impact of Trauma on African Americans
THIS COURSE OFFERS 2 CEU HOURS for Therapists and Social Workers
Seattle Therapists Corner is offering this PESI course virtually. We will be running the course four times on this day, 9 am, 11 am, 5 pm and 7 pm. -. You can attend any of these times, or bounce between them, depending on your schedule. You can learn more about the course on PESI’s website: Microtraumas and the African American Client.
Please fill out this form to complete your registration. PLEASE look in your spam or updates mailboxes for our confirmation email if it does not arrive directly to your inbox. The confirmation email will include the link(s) you need to access the course on the day of the event, as well as complete the competency test for your CEU credits.