8/17/20 Advanced Cultural Competency in the Clinical Setting

8/17/20 Advanced Cultural Competency in the Clinical Setting


Monday, August 17th, 2020

6 ETHICS CEUs for Therapists, Mental Health Counselors, and Social Workers

Presenter: Candice Richardson Dickens, LCPC-S, LCADC-S, CCTP

Program Sponsor: PESI

The DSM-5® has changed the cultural criteria in both assessment and treatment of mental health. Integrating these new approaches is essential to ethical and competent practice. Watch this seminar with expert Dr. Jose Vasquez, and you will learn how to incorporate the new DSM-5® criteria and adapt evidence-based models in a culturally sensitive context. By identifying cultural influences and breaking down stereotypes and biases, you can build a stronger rapport with your diverse clients and achieve better therapeutic outcomes.

You will develop the skills to:

  • Navigate through language barriers

  • Overcome religious and cultural issues in mental health

  • Adapt treatment for specific groups

  • Identify cultural trauma and psychosomatic distress

  • Promote resiliency in your clients

Using case examples, exercises, and plenty of humor, Dr. Vasquez will help deepen your cultural mindfulness in the clinical setting. You will leave feeling confident in dealing with diverse clients and better equipped to overcome the challenging demands of cultural competence.

 PLUS $5 will be donated to the WA Therapy Fund when you register.

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What you will learn:

  • Implement new DSM-5® criteria and cultural formulation.

  • Identify your cultural influences and use your knowledge to build rapport with diverse clients.

  • Define the role, assessment and treatment of intergenerational cultural and historical trauma on mental health.

  • Discuss guidelines for working with specific groups or populations.

  • Develop skills to overcome cultural barriers such as language and religion.

  • Describe strategies and techniques for multicultural competencies in your practice.

  • Apply culture-based positive psychology and enhance resiliency.

THIS COURSE OFFERS 6 ETHICS CEU HOURS for Therapists and Social Workers

Seattle Therapists Corner is offering this PESI course virtually. We will be running the course several times on this day: 8 am, 10 am, Noon and 3 pm. You can attend any of these times, or bounce between them, depending on your schedule. You can learn more about the course on PESI’s website: Advanced Cultural Competency in the Clinical Setting.


Please fill out this form to complete your registration. PLEASE look in your spam or updates mailboxes for our confirmation email if it does not arrive directly to your inbox. The confirmation email will include the link(s) you need to access the course on the day of the event, as well as complete the competency test for your CEU credits.